29 December 2022
25 December 2022
23 November 2022
18 November 2022
Ned Rorem (1923-2022)
I met Ned Rorem so long ago we once got drunk together. that nite is mentiond in "Swimmers Out of Water."
altho he was best known for his music my first attraction to Ned was his writing. there was a time when reading his diaries was de rigueur for the gay cognoscenti. when my name appeard in one of them I felt as if I had a brick in my own house of fame.
in an unpublishd journal I wrote:
impressions of Ned Rorem on first meeting
1. looks younger than his years
2. speech defect noticeable but charming
(& based on some 5 minutes of conversation:)
3. appears less arrogant than anticipated
from the beginning he was honest & critical & quite the gossip.
I recall my making him a rueben sandwich & he fixing me scrambled eggs.
if I am a footnote in his life I suspect it wd be that I was the first (& perhaps only?) person to ask him to read from his diaries. that was at Kent State. I also publishd him in "A Festschrift for Djuna Barnes on Her 80th Birthday" & "My First Movie."
as often happens we lost touch over the years.
here's his contribution to "Gildzen at 50" :
14 November 2022
Robert Hansen
how quickly joy can turn to sorrow. abt an hour & a half after acquiring my first Anna May Wong quarter I got the devastating news that Robert Hansen died last nite.
I'm crushd. he was such a kind & generous man. he was a hero in the poetry world. his creation of Poems-for-All brought so much joy to so many. for years now he made little books which he gave to his poets for free to "scatter like seeds." naturally we calld him the Johnny Appleseed of poetry.
I thankd him often for being so supportive of my work. after a piece of mine appeard on a bench in the Palm Springs Public Arts Commission project he creatd the wee book "The Poet's Bench" from photos postd online & surprisd me with it. that was one of the sweetest gifts ever to come to me.
for years now I've been carrying a couple of his little books with me wherever I go. since I no longer have a business card I used these instead. & everyone was so happy to get one. I do believe they are my most popular publications.
I can't imagine a world without Robert. I will miss those envelopes full of little books & always a note -- usually with his self portrait. I hope he knew how important the work he did was & how much so many poets loved him.
20 October 2022
05 October 2022
"Recruiting Sugar Boys"
last week I learnd 3 of my poems were rejectd by editors of an anthology in Germany. yesterday I posted on Facebook that I'd be happy to send a pdf of "The Bob Poems" to anyone who wantd it. one person responded. one.
so how do I endure the hurt of such rejection & disappointment?
I make art (that nobody wants).
02 October 2022
"Circles" rolls to an end
after 11 months this series is complete. I pin'd a bangle to the pocket of a white shirt which I wore to the matinee of "Titanic: The Musical." & once home I stapled it to card stock & added the final penny.
I have to admit that in these last weeks it was a challenge to continue the work because the initial excitement was gone. however after doing the ultimate piece I do feel elation that I was able to make 65 of them.
now back to "Playbill Piece" which I've neglectd of late. I suspect it'll take another year to bring that series to completion. I hope for endurance.
11 September 2022
the story of a still
all 4 years of high school I was on the staff of the student newspaper. & for a part of that time I representd the paper on the Hi-Timers. that was a group of area student journalists brought together by the Cleveland Press for various events.
shortly before my 17th birthday I went to that paper's offices for something calld A Day at the Press. each student was assignd a staffer to follow. mine was Stan Anderson -- the paper's film critic. I remember I gave him a tip that Lila Lee was in Elyria & he calld her for a phone interview. before leaving he put down a stack of film stills & told me to take some with me. one was of George Montgomery shirtless & holding a rifle. I think it was from "Watusi."
that image joind 2 others from my boyhood. Aldo Ray in a swimsuit & Sal Mineo showering. that trifecta has been in my head all these decades. they helpd me grow into the gay man I am today. I saw all of these men during our lives. but Montgomery was the only one with whom I actually spoke. it was my first trip to Palm Springs & by accident I encounterd him at the art museum which was exhibiting products of his careers as actor & artist.
today a friend visiting from NYC wantd to do the local cemeteries. this time I decided to bring with me that still of Montgomery which I'd had for 63 years -- one year longer than this friend has been alive. it was an emotional moment as my movie-mad boyhood danced with my developing sexuality. what a journey.
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photo by David Wallace Crotty |
27 August 2022
the power of photography
this morning my friend Lisa messaged me some photos which pop'd up in Memories on her phone. they were taken on my only trip to Disneyland. we are with our mutual friend Bob Barnes whose love of all things Disney was only matchd by his adoration for "I Love Lucy."
I had never seen these photos. they are particularly poignant because Bob was so averse to having his photo taken. but here he begins to let down his guard. he was having a great day. & he was sharing his joy with friends who cared deeply for him (even when he verged on crazy which he cd do well).
last nite I "found" some folks from my past via internet searching. I so wantd to write Bob telling him of my excitement & filling him in on some details which I knew he'd find juicy. this still happens. I continue to miss him in my life.
so seeing us being happy on that day brings me comfort. for whatever happens in my next chapter I know I already have novels of living on the shelf.
25 August 2022
24 August 2022
1) I love lists
2) I've reached that age in which the act of summing up is beginning to begin
here's one:
My Best Penpals (so far)
Roberta Elzey Berke
T.R. Queen
Ira Joel Haber
Richard Martin
Bob Barnes
14 August 2022
all cut up
I'm delightd to be the subject of this handcut collage by Lova Delis as part of her current analog glitch series.
she didn't know it when picking background elements but that magazine ad resonates for me. "True Story" began in 1919 publishd by a company calld True Rendition. I don't recall it as clearly as I do its competition when I was growing up in the '50s. "True Confessions" was first publishd by Fawcett in 1922. & that magazine came into our house. I suspect it wasn't Mom who subscribd but her crazy sister who also "handed down" copies of "Confidential." I was much more interestd in what seemd lurid to a movie mad boy in the latter which Mom calld a "scandal magazine." however I began writing early & sought publication wherever. I have a dim memory of some sort of contest or call for entries in "True Confessions." & even tho I didn't read the magazine I think I sent something in which was publishd. what surprises me is that I have no copy of whatever it was. as far as I know my first magazine appearance was a letter to the editor in "Screen Stories" (item C1 in my bibliography). & I think that page is with my papers at Kent. perhaps my appearance in "True Confessions" soon embarrassed me enuf to dispose of it long ago along with all memory of it.
long story....... but that all came back seeing the ad Lova put beside me in her piece.
06 August 2022
boite de serviettes
I abhor smoking. but in my drinking days I puffd the occasional cigaret. & once —— while quite drunk —— I allowd Jonathan Williams to give me one of his cigars.
this box apparently was made in Honduras but containd 25 cigars from Nicaragua. it was Jonathan’s. he brought it on one of his Kent visits & I askd him for it.
over the years I used the box to store whatnots. but for its eternity I’ve decided to fill it with paper napkins from my travels. & as a tribute to the creative process I’m writing with my Bar Cecil pen on those napkins ——- remembering past times when I had an idea & wrote it down on a napkin.
03 August 2022
this was the word Grandpa Gildzen used for bus.
it just poppd into my head.
I don't remember the last time it was in my head.
02 August 2022
Louis Falco at 80
I still see that glorious body
suspended in air
or wrappd in wheels
stopping time
dance does that
or sex or a poem
I spread fig preserves
on boulart toast
& remember the dancer
gliding thru my guests
at a party at my lake house
for a moment time stops again
he's in mid-leap
& I'm too young to realize
how soon the curtain drops
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(photo by Jack Mitchell) |
27 July 2022
finally... a smile
with so much darkness in the land & evil in the world it's tough to be cheerful. so we must find joy where we can & celebrate it as we can.
yesterday it was announced that a local millionaire has purchasd a dying golf course a block from me & has given it to a land trust to be used as a nature preserve. there's already talk of it becoming the Central Park of Palm Springs.
so this morning -- its first full day as Prescott Preserve -- I walk the property as I have before but with a bounce in my step.
26 July 2022
I saw "Funny Girl" in previews
but on opening nite I went to the Winter Garden to gaggle.
in the back of my Playbill I wrote this list of celebs I saw there:
Bette Davis
Lauren Bacall & Jason Robards Jr.
Earl Wilson
Phyllis Newman & Adolph Green
Ethel Merman
Ed Sullivan
Alan Jay Lerner
Maggie Brown
Hoagy Carmichael
Sybil Burton
Johnny Ray
Thomas Dewey
Jimmy Breslin
Jerome Robbins
Tina Louise
Tom Poston
Alfred Leslie
25 July 2022
Playbill Piece
4 months ago was the 60th anniversary of my seeing my first Broadway show. it was "The Aspern Papers." this stage adaptation of the Henry James work featured a trio of international stars: Maurice Evans / Wendy Hiller / Francoise Rosay.
of course I saved the Playbill. as I did for every Broadway show I ever saw. at one time one cd purchase specially embossd binders to hold them. I have 16 holding some 270 programs. over the years I've spent pleasant hours going back to them. often I'll discover years later that I saw a future star in a small role. & of course they were an invaluable source for Alex in Movieland.
however I've begun my 80th year. I've lockd in a depository for my papers & a huge chunk of my art collection already has gone to its forever home. but I still have some collections which deserve preserving. I don't want to repeat the mistake I made before leaving Santa Fe. 2 different local book dealers screwd me. so I decided to turn the Playbills into an art piece. now the real work of dispersing them. like several of my serial pieces it'll take time & ingenuity. but I'm diving in.
15 July 2022
06 July 2022
8 films with 8 cast members I've seen in person
"It's a Big Country" (1951)
Keefe Brasselle
Van Johnson
Gene Kelly
Janet Leigh
Frederic March
George Murphy
Keenan Wynn
John Ericson
"The Silver Chalice" (1954)
Paul Newman
Virginia Mayo
Jack Palance
Natalie Wood
Joseph Wiseman
E.G. Marshall
Albert Dekker
Strother Martin
"Designing Woman" (1957)
Gregory Peck
Lauren Bacall
Dolores Gray
Jesse White
Richard Deacon
May McAvoy
Max Showalter
Mario Siletti
"Marjorie Morningstar" (1958)
Natalie Wood
Gene Kelly
Carolyn Jones
Claire Trevor
Jesse White
Paul Picerni
Ruta Lee
Peter Brown
"Imitation of Life" (1959)
Lana Turner
John Gavin
Juanita Moore
Susan Kohner
Dan O'Herlihy
Troy Donahue
Ann Robinson
Jack Weston
"The Satan Bugs" (1965)
George Maharis
Anne Francis
Dana Andrews
Ed Asner
Simon Oakland
James Hong
Harold Gould
Lee Remick
"Hearts of the West" (1975)
Jeff Bridges
Donald Pleasance
Blythe Danner
Alan Arkin
Richard B. Shull
Marie Windsor
Tucker Smith
Granville Van Dusen
"The White Buffalo" (1977)
Charles Bronson
Kim Novak
Stuart Whitman
John Carradine
Ed Lauter
Martin Kove
Clifford A. Pellow
Christopher Cary
05 July 2022
24 June 2022
09 June 2022
30 May 2022
the dark side
we all present a face to the world. I've often been criticizd for presenting a comic mask. eyes wide & mouth open. that is part of who I am. the joyful part people expect. but every comic mask is twin to a tragic one.
Owen Masterson captures this other mask. here is the pain of heartache & betrayal depression & death. it's not as comfortable to gaze upon but it's real.
24 May 2022
all abt Gar
when I saw "The Underworld Story" last week I was taken by Gar Moore. altho I knew his name & rememberd stills of him in his early Italian films I wasn't familiar with his story.
so I did some snooping. I discoverd that after his Hollywood career ended in 1959 he moved to Palm Springs. he appeard as Emile in a local production of "South Pacific" but apparently kept busy writing & painting (altho I've uncoverd none of either) as well as working in architecture & interior design. sometime in the 60s he & John Morris designd a sun deck for the Charles Farrell House at the Racquet Club but it's been demolishd.
apparently Moore had quite the social life. at a 1969 fundraiser for the Chuck Connors Tournament there was a Ziegfeld Follies tribute in which he playd sheik to the harem girl of Toni Holt. (& Nelda Linsk was a chorus girl.)
I found an address on Paseo De Anza for him in an old undated phone book online.
for a time Moore was engaged to Madga Gabor. then in June 1971 the local paper reportd on a party at the new home socialite Margaret Pigott Sinek bought on Stevens. it sd they announced their marriage wd happen later in the month at her home in Winnetka IL. guests at the party included the widows of William Powell & Lew Landers. Sinek -- widow of a prominent Chicago business exec -- was a member of the board of the American Cancer Society & an arts benefactor. she was Moore's 4th wife. he had a heart attack in Palm Springs & died in Loma Linda in 1985.
I also discoverd a letter he wrote late in life from the Winnetka house in which he claims to have been on the Hollywood blacklist without knowing it. not sure how that cd be.
anyway...... he was a handsome man. when I go to estate sales in town I'll have to look out for paintings.
22 May 2022
15 May 2022
as I age
10 May 2022
Digit Print Bookmarks
06 May 2022
02 May 2022
I dreamt
I finally got an Anna May Wong quarter but it was a mistake. her name was on it but not her face. it made me sad that I didn't see her but glad that such a possible rarity wd be worth something.
but awake I know that whenever her quarter does come to me it will be worth something to me.
20 April 2022
from the rubble comes a poem
Caterpillar crushes red tile roof
of abandond inn
is this the casita
in which Tab & Tony
fled the paparazzi?
I observe
from across the street
as bulldozer pounds history into dust
every scoop hides whispers
but my ears are eager
to hear each story
06 April 2022
21 March 2022
"Bound by Mail"
because of the pandemic MoCa Cleveland turnd their exhibition "Bound" into a book. & I'm honord to have a book of mine in the "exhibit." yes.... you can still order it. so when you go to the Crisis Chronicles Press website you can order both the opening installment of my epic Alex in Movieland as well as the new book carrying the name of this blog.
10 March 2022
03 March 2022
60 years
to celebrate the 60th anniversary of the first time a poem of mine appeard in print Crisis Chronicles Press is publishing a collection culld from this very blog.
every day I'm thankful to be able to create. & over all these decades I'm humbled that so many editors & publishers have brought my work to the public.
it's been a hell of a ride . . . .
24 February 2022
wartime lunch
yesterday -- before the invasion began -- a wag postd on social media "make pierogies not war." I thot it was cute but silly given the gravity of what's happening.
this morning with all the news of madman Putin's war it kept popping into my head. & each time I dismissd it -- until I got this flood of memories abt the Ukrainian part of my heritage. yes... pierogies are a theme in my childhood. I still recall the eve of Orthodox Xmas the women of the family in my grandparents' kitchen making & rolling & cutting & stuffing dough. I remember the cousins sitting at the kids' table seeing who cd eat the most. & I continue to love pierogies as much for remembrance as for taste.
so on this first day of the war this was my lunch:
23 January 2022
15 January 2022
Cynthia Mayer Pramuk (1943-2022)
I've just learnd of the death of my dear friend.
the earliest poem I wrote for her was in 1964. a love poem which began "Her black hair flying..." just as it will always be in this portrait by our mutual friend Mike Chikiris.
a half century ago I wrote in The Year Book "7 memories of Cynthia."
she has always been part of my work. & even tho I haven't seen her in over a decade she will always be in my heart.
(she calld this "our best photo" together) |
11 January 2022
02 January 2022
I write for myself. but I also publish. which means I hope that someone else reads my work. in a few months it'll be 60 years since I publishd my first poem. & then there have been all the books. I rarely get reviewd & none of my works have been a bestseller. so I don't know if anyone cares if I write or not.
I postd a link to my last blog entry on Facebook. a man from Charleston SC by the name of Jerry Evans left this response:
I discovered this book many years ago. It changed the way I journal. Thank you for this enduring gift.Jen-Ai: I am not attractive in that way.
Capt. Lin Nan: Jen-Ai, don't you know you're beautiful?
Jen-Ai: Once in her life, every woman should have that said to her. I thank you for being the one who said it to me.
01 January 2022
a half century
so hard to believe that I startd writing The Year Book 50 years ago. it began in my house in Twin Lakes. the 2 floors were connected by a spiral staircase I named after my favorite novelist at that time.
Richard Grossinger publishd the book in 1974. I believe the only review came from Ian Young who calld it "banal." & a colleague in the English Dept told me to my face that it was "a piece of shit." well...... he's dead & the book lives on as a document in gay history. World Cat lists copies in 40 libraries in the US & UK & the Netherlands. several rare book stores have copies for sale.
some day I hope to see the book reprintd with the chapbook that came first -- Dec. '70:Ohio -- & the one that followd -- Swimming -- under the title The Verse Journals of Alex Gildzen