20 July 2024

short poems


Luchador Press presents Alex Gildzen's Poems that Fit in a Shoe. The bulk of the book is his collected short poems written between the ages of 19 and 80. As a bonus is a recent group of short poems carved from a 1973 travel journal. The book is available from Amazon and Barnes & Noble.

06 July 2024

a hundred years later

yesterday there was chatter online abt the centennial of the first version of "The Enchanted Cottage." the stars were Richard Barthelmess -- one of my favorite actors from the silent era -- & May McAvoy -- who I was lucky to meet.

I did a search & found it on You Tube. not the new restoration but an old muddy print. not knowing when I'll be able to see the new print I watchd what's available. & what pleased me most was May McAvoy's performance. today she's best known for the female leads in a pair of classics -- "Ben Hur" & "The Jazz Singer." however both films are vehicles for strong male leads. she's almost window dressing.

I met May thru our mutual friend Lois Wilson. she was a delight. I have this great memory of her driving us around Beverly Hills showing us where the great silent stars lived. I wish I'd taken notes after our meetings because I've forgotten so much. but I remember her telling me that she considerd her performance in "The Enchanted Cottage" to be her best screen work. & she indeed is luminous.

26 May 2024

Emeline Tate

 & I have collaborated several times -- most famously on the Poets Bench. recently she askd for some words for her letter pieces.

what we came up with debuted last nite at her gallery.

24 May 2024


Wallace Colvard just sent me this new piece of his. I love collaborating with artists but this one was a surprise because I didn't know it was happening.

back story: some years ago I wrote these lines for the program of a Nickerson-Rossi Dance concert. then came Covid. concert cancel'd. lines lost. I vaguely recall that Wallace may have been designing that program which wd account for his having this miniature poem.

17 May 2024

a lad with sass


I just postd this recent photo in a new Facebook group. one of the comments was from Thomas Dolby.  one word: "Sassy!"

I'll take that.