31 July 2008
30 July 2008
29 July 2008
Dad was born 90 years ago today
28 July 2008
hola Gertrude
an elderly Hispanic woman struggld to get on the bus. she lowerd her bulk onto a seat with a sort of moan. when she arrangd her jacket I saw a flower stitchd on its side with these words sewn around its blossom:
a rose is a rose is a rose
& then I was channelchasing & came across a program abt children & poetry. & there again was the Stein line.
a rose is a rose is a rose
& then I was channelchasing & came across a program abt children & poetry. & there again was the Stein line.
27 July 2008
26 July 2008
25 July 2008
24 July 2008
to the noon chamber music festival concert today to hear Britten's lovely "Phantasy Quartet."
after lunching elsewhere I poppd into Plaza Cafe to secure a slab of chocolate cake for ce soir. who shd walk in but Yuja Wang looking utterly adorable in short shorts & halter. I was able to thank her for coming to Santa Fe every summer.
after lunching elsewhere I poppd into Plaza Cafe to secure a slab of chocolate cake for ce soir. who shd walk in but Yuja Wang looking utterly adorable in short shorts & halter. I was able to thank her for coming to Santa Fe every summer.
23 July 2008
this is the third consecutive summer I've heard Yuja Wang. she is more than consistently brilliant. she is able to enter the space that is music & pull the listener in with her. it's transcendent.
22 July 2008
my first book was publishd nearly 40 years ago. there have been a bunch of others since but only 3 or 4 reviews in that time.
last year Mark Young publishd It's All a Movie. I expectd it wd receive the same indifference all the other books have. you can imagine my surprise when Eileen Tabios sent me an e this afternoon informing me that the new issue of Galatea Resurrects includes a review. I nervously went to the link & discoverd that the review is by none other than William Allegrezza.
I thank him for his kindness & Eileen for her generosity to the community in providing this resource
last year Mark Young publishd It's All a Movie. I expectd it wd receive the same indifference all the other books have. you can imagine my surprise when Eileen Tabios sent me an e this afternoon informing me that the new issue of Galatea Resurrects includes a review. I nervously went to the link & discoverd that the review is by none other than William Allegrezza.
I thank him for his kindness & Eileen for her generosity to the community in providing this resource
walking into the
some woman wrote Shakespeare's plays
& Kenneth Koch composd a Frank O'Hara poem
Rudolph Valentino was straight
& Orson Welles slew the Black Dahlia
follow the light
& all will be explaind
& Kenneth Koch composd a Frank O'Hara poem
Rudolph Valentino was straight
& Orson Welles slew the Black Dahlia
follow the light
& all will be explaind
21 July 2008
Meryl Mia!
I first saw Streep in a Tennessee Williams one-act early in 1976. the buzz in theater circles was that she was someone to watch. abt a year after that I saw her do Chekhov. in a supporting role she used her hands as if they were props & was a delight. it was abt another whole year before I saw her on the big screen for the 1st time -- again in support in "Julia." over the decades she's done all manner of roles in all styles of films.
this afternoon I caught her current release. it's a trivial piece but Streep invests it with so much more than the material deserves that it becomes a joy to watch.
this afternoon I caught her current release. it's a trivial piece but Streep invests it with so much more than the material deserves that it becomes a joy to watch.
20 July 2008
19 July 2008
learning curve
the switch from XP to Vista hasn't been painless but I seem to be on my way. after all it hasn't been 24 hours yet. as I age I find I have zero patience.
took a penne break
(as in pasta). things are going well. before I went to bed I "found" my mail. apparently my Outlook Express files are gone & I'm now assignd Windows Mail which is working. however I must rebuild my address book so if you haven't heard from me in a while drop me a line.
also I have a camera built into my monitor. not sure which service with which to sign up. I suspect Yahoo Messenger?
also I have a camera built into my monitor. not sure which service with which to sign up. I suspect Yahoo Messenger?
18 July 2008
Jo Stafford (1917-2008)
altho she's best rememberd as a 40s big band singer Stafford was still a major recording star while I was in high school. we always knew when a dance was abt to end because her Columbis recording of "It's Almost Tomorrow" wd play & that wd be the close of the evening. in 2002 I sent my worn copy of that to Martha Braun as part of the piece "45s from the 50s."
ironically I saw Stafford on screen in "Ship Ahoy" just 2 nites ago. in that & "Las Vegas Nights" -- which I saw recently as well -- she stood beside Frank Sinatra in what were the first 2 films of his long screen career.
speaking of awards
I no longer believe in them. but when I was young awards meant a great deal. one of my earliest was in the interview category at the Northeasterrn Scholastic Press Association clinic in 1961 at Kent State University. I was editor of my high school paper then.

just yesterday my high school pal Charmaine Szanyi Hrusch sent me this picture which she took in the wonderful old University Auditorium. she was so far away from me that I'm unrecognizable. those clinics were a major reason I enrolld at Kent majoring in journalism & English.

just yesterday my high school pal Charmaine Szanyi Hrusch sent me this picture which she took in the wonderful old University Auditorium. she was so far away from me that I'm unrecognizable. those clinics were a major reason I enrolld at Kent majoring in journalism & English.
17 July 2008
16 July 2008
stradling a dead pinus aristata

one last image of the magnificent Cedar Breaks.
while back home we had a nite of boistrous rain. it must've turnd my arroyo into a river again because I notice that the earth at the side of the middle school field across from me has caved in.
15 July 2008
14 July 2008
a respite
in the middle of my sultry week longtime internet bud Luca drove Durl & I to Utah to see Zion National Park. it was lovely & I did my dimes piece there. but then we drove to an even more spectacular spot. Cedar Breaks National Monument is a rich wildflower forest where Durl caught me auditioning for the bus & truck "Sunset Blvd."

then suddenly the forest ends with a dramatic cliff that falls into a miniature Grand Canyon.

& the temperature was enchantingly in the mid 70s. the place was glorious to eye & skin.

then suddenly the forest ends with a dramatic cliff that falls into a miniature Grand Canyon.

& the temperature was enchantingly in the mid 70s. the place was glorious to eye & skin.
report on heat wave & the people's diva
a challenging week. weather was appalling. to wake & face 90 with the knowledge that it'll reach 112 is daunting. time with friends was good. but one day alone I sufferd a severe depression. I walkd miles & miles in the staggering heat. I walkd into neighborhoods I'm sure never see tourists. I walkd so much my toes blisterd my calves throbbd.
but the reason I came to Las Vegas in july was to see Bette Midler. it's been 23 years since I last heard her perform live. the woman is as amazing as ever. she sings all her hits tells the Soph jokes reincarnates Delores Delago. backing her up are the Harlettes 14 chorus girls & a full on-stage orchestra. but it's Bette's show & she performs with ferocity temperd by tenderness. the Divine Miss M is a force of nature. altho her stellar career guarantees her a spot in the entertainment pantheon this particular show cements her reputation as legitimate heir to the vaudeville greats of a century ago.
but the reason I came to Las Vegas in july was to see Bette Midler. it's been 23 years since I last heard her perform live. the woman is as amazing as ever. she sings all her hits tells the Soph jokes reincarnates Delores Delago. backing her up are the Harlettes 14 chorus girls & a full on-stage orchestra. but it's Bette's show & she performs with ferocity temperd by tenderness. the Divine Miss M is a force of nature. altho her stellar career guarantees her a spot in the entertainment pantheon this particular show cements her reputation as legitimate heir to the vaudeville greats of a century ago.

the trip
13 July 2008
12 July 2008
11 July 2008
10 July 2008
09 July 2008
08 July 2008
07 July 2008
06 July 2008
05 July 2008
04 July 2008
happy independence

when I lived in Twin Lakes in another century I had an annual 4th of july party. Billy Berger discoverd this fading slide from one of those long-ago events. that's me with my arms out.
the computer continues to chug along but I expect each day that it'll finally succumb. the new one won't arrive for at least another week. so I've pre-scheduld the C series in case I loose access. but it's so gray I wantd this tiny bit of color -- even if less than brilliant -- on the blog before I return with all the excitement of the new toy.
03 July 2008
General Industries
my father startd working there before the war. when he returnd he went back to GI working from late 1945 until 1979. when I was 6 I joind Dad in a picket line in front of the entrance.
Mom calld tonite to inform me that a fire destroyd the vacant buildings of the former business. I last went past that spot just 2 weeks ago.
& it feels particularly strange to me that this happend in the month in which Dad wd've turnd 90. on that birthday I'm doing a piece in his memory which will involve the hundreds of General Industries pay stubs Dad kept for years in a can in the attic.
Mom calld tonite to inform me that a fire destroyd the vacant buildings of the former business. I last went past that spot just 2 weeks ago.
& it feels particularly strange to me that this happend in the month in which Dad wd've turnd 90. on that birthday I'm doing a piece in his memory which will involve the hundreds of General Industries pay stubs Dad kept for years in a can in the attic.
02 July 2008
01 July 2008
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