25 July 2022

Playbill Piece

 4 months ago was the 60th anniversary of my seeing my first Broadway show. it was "The Aspern Papers." this stage adaptation of the Henry James work featured a trio of international stars: Maurice Evans / Wendy Hiller / Francoise Rosay.

of course I saved the Playbill. as I did for every Broadway show I ever saw. at one time one cd purchase specially embossd binders to hold them. I have 16 holding some 270 programs. over the years I've spent pleasant hours going back to them. often I'll discover years later that I saw a future star in a small role. & of course they were an invaluable source for Alex in Movieland.

however I've begun my 80th year. I've lockd in a depository for my papers & a huge chunk of my art collection already has gone to its forever home. but I still have some collections which deserve preserving. I don't want to repeat the mistake I made before leaving Santa Fe. 2 different local book dealers screwd me. so I decided to turn the Playbills into an art piece. now the real work of dispersing them. like several of my serial pieces it'll take time & ingenuity. but I'm diving in.

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