now that I have a phone that does everything but kiss me I'm trying to be a modern man. yesterday I sent Bob in Fort Worth what I thot was my 1st text. turnd out I pressd the wrong whatever. so just now I tried again.
I don't quite get texting. why not just stick with e-mail? & as far as twittering again I'm in the dark. cd it simply be that it's the newest thing?
31 August 2009
30 August 2009
one of the cats who come to the bowl I keep full on the back portal left a gift for me this ayem: a big fat dead gopher near the mounds at the side of the house.
29 August 2009
28 August 2009
27 August 2009
why people hate government
I've lived in this city for 15 years & always pay my bills on time. last month I forgot to pay the city utility bill.
I just got a disconnect notice in the mail.
I just got a disconnect notice in the mail.
26 August 2009
that term is appearing in most of the commentary abt Teddy Kennedy. surely no politician of my lifetime has dealt with so much tragedy.
25 August 2009
when gray
comes to Santa Fe it's so surreal that my mood alters. I'm not addictd to sun but I do have a natural inclination against gray.
24 August 2009
23 August 2009
this month usually is our monsoon season. but it's been terribly dry. late today a bit of precip with a piddle more predictd for early week.
we need a soaker.
we need a soaker.
22 August 2009
how fortunate
Santa Fe is to have Yuja Wang perform every summer. tonite was Bach & she was divine. between pieces I chattd with tenor Jorge Prego who calld Wang a genius.
21 August 2009
journal entry from 1968
13 may
I was "lecturing" my poetry class on Robert Creeley, projective verse & direct communication between poem & reader. As I was reviewing Creeley's biography, he walked into the classroom! The "quick surprise" was the kind of meeting which shd occur between poet & audience. (Creeley's entrance was, unfortunately, a mistake -- he was looking for Jake's classroom.)
I was "lecturing" my poetry class on Robert Creeley, projective verse & direct communication between poem & reader. As I was reviewing Creeley's biography, he walked into the classroom! The "quick surprise" was the kind of meeting which shd occur between poet & audience. (Creeley's entrance was, unfortunately, a mistake -- he was looking for Jake's classroom.)
20 August 2009
19 August 2009
18 August 2009
mail woes
for some reason my Cybermesa account is down this ayem. so if you need to reach me I now have another address as well. it's Alex_87505 at
17 August 2009
patrician blue
instead of going to the gym this ayem I paintd window frames while that part of the house was in the shade.
16 August 2009
step by step
15 August 2009
learning curve
I rarely use my cell phone. I got one after 9/11 to use mostly during travel. so I've kept it simple. but I felt it was time to get with it & purchase one of the smart phones. so I got an Instinct. I've already had to call Sprint's customer service twice while trying to learn to use it. (& I must say I'm totally pleasd with the quality of service they provide.) of course it does more than I need it to (but so does my computer & almost every other machine I own).
Instinct won't accept my e-mail address which comes from a local ISP so I'm re-establishing a Yahoo account to be able to e-mail when I'm traveling. I suspect having 2 accounts will be more than simple me can handle. but it's important for those of my generation to keep up with technology.
Instinct won't accept my e-mail address which comes from a local ISP so I'm re-establishing a Yahoo account to be able to e-mail when I'm traveling. I suspect having 2 accounts will be more than simple me can handle. but it's important for those of my generation to keep up with technology.
14 August 2009
except for bookstores it's an activity I avoid. however Regina loves it. so between 4 operas & 2 movies & a score of galleries & museums we hit the shops. I actually made a list of things I wantd ahead of time. & naturally -- my cousin got me thru the whole list in 2 hours the very first day she was here.
I did get a flat screen tv & a new phone. the latter does more than I need & it's complicatd as hell but I'm determind to be a 21st century citizen in good standing.
I did get a flat screen tv & a new phone. the latter does more than I need & it's complicatd as hell but I'm determind to be a 21st century citizen in good standing.
13 August 2009
12 August 2009
Medal of Freedom
11 August 2009
10 August 2009
09 August 2009
08 August 2009
"The Letter"
Somerset Maugham's short story has been adaptd for stage screen tv. now it's an opera.
last nite we saw the premiere production of the opera & today the William Wyler film version. in almost every aspect the movie is the superior work of art. Max Steiner's score is more memorable. the screenplay trumps the libretto (altho the latter steals huge chunks of the former). Bette Davis is more engaging than Patricia Racette. Orry-Kelly's costumes are sublime whereas Tom Ford's are a disaster.
last nite we saw the premiere production of the opera & today the William Wyler film version. in almost every aspect the movie is the superior work of art. Max Steiner's score is more memorable. the screenplay trumps the libretto (altho the latter steals huge chunks of the former). Bette Davis is more engaging than Patricia Racette. Orry-Kelly's costumes are sublime whereas Tom Ford's are a disaster.
07 August 2009
when my cousin comes to town I don't get much computer time so this coming week I may miss a day here.
today we did a great deal of shopping & a fun movie & a swell dinner & a disappointing opera.
today we did a great deal of shopping & a fun movie & a swell dinner & a disappointing opera.
06 August 2009
05 August 2009
full moon
with beastly heat...
throw in
a bit of a queasy stomach
& I was up
off & on
all nite long.
I remember
dream sequences:
one was
a romantic interlude
at a time share
abt a dog
that was Cinco
didn't look
like Cinco.
with beastly heat...
throw in
a bit of a queasy stomach
& I was up
off & on
all nite long.
I remember
dream sequences:
one was
a romantic interlude
at a time share
abt a dog
that was Cinco
didn't look
like Cinco.
04 August 2009
03 August 2009
02 August 2009
01 August 2009
one of
my boyhood favorites was Sessue Hayakawa.

it was during the height of his comeback which culminatd in his role in "Bridge on the River Kwai." it was later that I found his spectacular work as a leading man in silent films.
last nite TCM did a Hayakawa salute. both films I saw were clunkers "Three Came Back" & "Tokyo Joe." however he was captivating even in these minor movies. & it was heartening to know that tribute was being paid to an important actor.

it was during the height of his comeback which culminatd in his role in "Bridge on the River Kwai." it was later that I found his spectacular work as a leading man in silent films.
last nite TCM did a Hayakawa salute. both films I saw were clunkers "Three Came Back" & "Tokyo Joe." however he was captivating even in these minor movies. & it was heartening to know that tribute was being paid to an important actor.
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