in today's cold mailbox a pair of manilla envelopes:
novelist Henry Van Dyke sent an unmarkd CD which is spinning now. turns out to be him at the piano playing Albeniz & Poulenc & Granados.
poet Steve Tills sent his chapbook -- Mr. Magoo. it'll be my 1st read of next year which happens shortly after Rita & Phil & I return from the recently reopend Pink Adobe tonite.
how wonderful to end the year with friends remembering me. all day I've been visitd with memories of so many people with whom I've crossd paths. they are my fire on this chilling day.
31 December 2010
30 December 2010
29 December 2010
Gamboling in Las Vegas
 . for Jean Vengua
the edge
of misery
can be
just off
the Strip
so we
create joy
in grotto
delirium in
steam room
the edge
of misery
can be
just off
the Strip
so we
create joy
in grotto
delirium in
steam room
28 December 2010
Xmas now past
despite the ill bookends of flight delays the time I spent in Las Vegas was good. Garold Gardner pickd me up at the airport & whiskd me off to Ellis Island for super b-b-q. then I checkd into my favorite room at Blue Moon.
on Xmas Gary Sielaff gatherd me up & we went to the Strip to enjoy a sublime meal at Morels. then we were brave. we walkd thru mobs to LV's newest hotel -- the Cosmopolitan. I was disappointd writing in my travel journal that it looks "like the aftermath of a cyclone having gone thru Cher's closet." here I am with a shoe:

from there we walkd to the Bellagio to see their holiday display:

I was so worn down by fighting the crowds that the next day I never left the resort.
on Xmas Gary Sielaff gatherd me up & we went to the Strip to enjoy a sublime meal at Morels. then we were brave. we walkd thru mobs to LV's newest hotel -- the Cosmopolitan. I was disappointd writing in my travel journal that it looks "like the aftermath of a cyclone having gone thru Cher's closet." here I am with a shoe:

from there we walkd to the Bellagio to see their holiday display:
I was so worn down by fighting the crowds that the next day I never left the resort.
27 December 2010
my long dismal day
the storm in the east wasn't the only cause of today's air travel meltdown.
I spent Xmas in Las Vegas & wasn't expecting my short flight back to be delayd. before checking out I went online & saw my flight was "on time." major joke. when I got to the airport I discoverd I was in for a 6-hour wait because my plane was coming in from San Francisco where weather screwd up that schedule. every hour my flight status changd while I breathd in more germs. when I finally got to Albuquerque my delay messd up my shuttle connection. so I endured another hour & 45 minute wait before the hour drive back. I just got home with my grumpy quotient in overdrive.
I spent Xmas in Las Vegas & wasn't expecting my short flight back to be delayd. before checking out I went online & saw my flight was "on time." major joke. when I got to the airport I discoverd I was in for a 6-hour wait because my plane was coming in from San Francisco where weather screwd up that schedule. every hour my flight status changd while I breathd in more germs. when I finally got to Albuquerque my delay messd up my shuttle connection. so I endured another hour & 45 minute wait before the hour drive back. I just got home with my grumpy quotient in overdrive.
24 December 2010
22 December 2010
21 December 2010
The Morning I Woke with Geof Huth
mother worries
preventd observation
of eclipse
my dreamless nite
sped by
till I woke
with his breath
on my shoulder
his song
in my ear
this man
I've never met
poked me
with the fullness
of his poet life
& I was able
to grind
my Tanzanian beans
with a grin
preventd observation
of eclipse
my dreamless nite
sped by
till I woke
with his breath
on my shoulder
his song
in my ear
this man
I've never met
poked me
with the fullness
of his poet life
& I was able
to grind
my Tanzanian beans
with a grin
20 December 2010
yesterday was Jean Genet's 100th birthday. so I had another look at "Un Chant d'Amore" in his memory.
next year is the centennial of America's greatest playwright -- Tennessee Williams. I'm not yet sure how I'll mark it but I just read this morning of an inventive celebration:
Beginning March 24, 2011, will be a tour of Hotel Williams, a collection of the playwright's hotel-set short plays, which will be performed in actual hotel rooms across the country. The tour will make stops in cities that figured into Williams' life, including New Orleans, LA; Columbus, MS; Sewanee, TN; and Provincetown, MA.
next year is the centennial of America's greatest playwright -- Tennessee Williams. I'm not yet sure how I'll mark it but I just read this morning of an inventive celebration:
Beginning March 24, 2011, will be a tour of Hotel Williams, a collection of the playwright's hotel-set short plays, which will be performed in actual hotel rooms across the country. The tour will make stops in cities that figured into Williams' life, including New Orleans, LA; Columbus, MS; Sewanee, TN; and Provincetown, MA.
19 December 2010
when I was a boy
we had twice-a-day mail delivery. & I seem to remember that the US Postal Service also had delivery on the sunday nearest Xmas.
18 December 2010
17 December 2010
16 December 2010
to the heavenly sounds of rain.
we don't get all that much in this high dessert. & lately we've had such glorious weather. yesterday hit 60. but we pay for that when it remains dry.
we don't get all that much in this high dessert. & lately we've had such glorious weather. yesterday hit 60. but we pay for that when it remains dry.
14 December 2010
where "was" is
front page of today's NY Times:
snow scene in Kent (maybe in front of Ray's?)
thx to Margaret Garmon for this tip & to Mike Busam for informing me that not only is Kent State closed but will postpone finals for a week.
snow scene in Kent (maybe in front of Ray's?)
thx to Margaret Garmon for this tip & to Mike Busam for informing me that not only is Kent State closed but will postpone finals for a week.
13 December 2010
12 December 2010
Ginsberg returns to Santa Fe
11 December 2010
crimson pie
I'd never heard of this before. but when Rita & I stoppd at Dulce yesterday I saw one. liking both blueberries & cranberries I thot this wd be good. & indeed it was.
here's the recipe.
here's the recipe.
10 December 2010
all right
we're facing the most depressing holiday of the year. our government is a mess. Wikithugs are trying to disrupt the internet. North Korea is attempting to out-bully China. & don't get me startd abt the whole of the Middle East. so what do I do? yup. watch a movie.
& for a true cinephile what better than to see Frankie Darro & Elisha Cook Jr together. in a Judy Garland movie. with smart sass from Sophie Tucker. & even a cameo by Francis X. Bushman. yup. for a short time I cd forget all that shit.
& for a true cinephile what better than to see Frankie Darro & Elisha Cook Jr together. in a Judy Garland movie. with smart sass from Sophie Tucker. & even a cameo by Francis X. Bushman. yup. for a short time I cd forget all that shit.
09 December 2010
07 December 2010
more Doris Day
I'm delightd that she's allowing herself a public persona again. she sounds wonderful.
06 December 2010
05 December 2010
last nite I saw "From Broadway with Love" featuring Kaye Ballard Donna McKechnie Liliane Montevecchi. the trio opend the show singing "Broadway Baby" together. ever since I heard Ethel Shutta introduce the song at the Winter Garden it's been one of my Sondheim faves. but this is the first time I've heard 3 performers sing it together. it was a fun evening. & in the audience was Hilary Knight who did the poster for the show but always has a place in my heart for the illustrations for "Eloise."
this afternoon something quite different -- a college production of Sam Shepard's "Tooth of Crime." it's been some years since I saw this off-Broadway. this production was surprisingly good with an accomplishd portrayal of Hoss by Aaron Lopez.
this afternoon something quite different -- a college production of Sam Shepard's "Tooth of Crime." it's been some years since I saw this off-Broadway. this production was surprisingly good with an accomplishd portrayal of Hoss by Aaron Lopez.
04 December 2010
Jim Cory tells me that James Franco is playing another poet on screen -- Hart Crane.
here's my last encounter:
& for the record here's a photo I took of the statue's dedication in front of the library.
here's my last encounter:
& for the record here's a photo I took of the statue's dedication in front of the library.
03 December 2010
flannel shirts
I don't care if they're in style or out. I don't care if they're supposd to mean something. for me they're all abt comfort. I feel good wearing them.
02 December 2010
01 December 2010
29 November 2010
28 November 2010
while the Koreas glower at each other someone in Seoul did a Google search for Farley Granger & came to an old post of mine.
27 November 2010
my own private white party
after reading Facebook
status report of Matt Skallerud
Mom sent me 2 teabags
(oriental white tea)
Sal Mineo liked blond twinks
in white jockey shorts
white dots on dark chocolate
(non-pareils from Rita Wood)
Tom Ford's white shirt
unbuttond on the plane
Pearl White had dark hair
but wore a blonde wig
Colin Coonsis didn't wear
the white suit to his opening
status report of Matt Skallerud
Mom sent me 2 teabags
(oriental white tea)
Sal Mineo liked blond twinks
in white jockey shorts
white dots on dark chocolate
(non-pareils from Rita Wood)
Tom Ford's white shirt
unbuttond on the plane
Pearl White had dark hair
but wore a blonde wig
Colin Coonsis didn't wear
the white suit to his opening
26 November 2010
bah humbug
so cold walking to the gym I thot my nose wd fall off. got there at 7:30. lockd tight. on holiday schedule. shit. I must've been asleep when someone made Bleak Friday another fricking holiday.
25 November 2010
24 November 2010
23 November 2010
early Thxgiving
for the past several years I've spent this holiday with either Billy in Culver City or with Garold in Rockaway. but I'm getting older & crankier & wasn't sure I cd deal with the nuttiness that is flying on the busiest travel weekend of the year. so I told Billy I'd arrive the weekend before & we'd celebrate.
here we are at a favorite place. Miceli's -- the oldest Italian restaurant in Hollywood -- has been host to celebs from John F. Kennedy to the Beatles.
here we are at a favorite place. Miceli's -- the oldest Italian restaurant in Hollywood -- has been host to celebs from John F. Kennedy to the Beatles.
22 November 2010
I have returnd
18 November 2010
17 November 2010
The Pink
I think I first heard abt the Pink Adobe from Jonathan Williams who knew a thing or two abt fine dining.
over the years I didn't go to this famous restaurant all that frequently. but I did love their green chili stew -- & of course that apple pie.
in the morning paper I read that the late Rosalea Murphy's restaurant -- a Santa Fe institution since the year after I was born -- closed a week or so ago.
over the years I didn't go to this famous restaurant all that frequently. but I did love their green chili stew -- & of course that apple pie.
in the morning paper I read that the late Rosalea Murphy's restaurant -- a Santa Fe institution since the year after I was born -- closed a week or so ago.
16 November 2010
hot shower
felt good. in the (hopefully) final stages of a cold I suspect I got while incarcerated in that germ canister following my pat-down.
been a sort of down day. anniversary of the finding of William Holden's body. one of the saddest celebritity deaths & something that hit hard in my last years of drinking. also birthday of Barbara Payton who led a tragic life.
but I'm abt to join the guys for our weekly dinner & that often lifts my spirits.
been a sort of down day. anniversary of the finding of William Holden's body. one of the saddest celebritity deaths & something that hit hard in my last years of drinking. also birthday of Barbara Payton who led a tragic life.
but I'm abt to join the guys for our weekly dinner & that often lifts my spirits.
14 November 2010
did Charles Delaney
make movie history
when he gave the finger
at the end
of a 1933 quickie?
let's say he did.
if Todd Moore
were still around
I'd call him
to announce
this historic find.
wd Todd remember
that Delaney's last film
was "The Beatniks"?
wd he even remember
who Delaney was?
can't say
I remember much
abt his career.
but we're saying
he had a moment
of movie history.
& how many
of us
made history?
make movie history
when he gave the finger
at the end
of a 1933 quickie?
let's say he did.
if Todd Moore
were still around
I'd call him
to announce
this historic find.
wd Todd remember
that Delaney's last film
was "The Beatniks"?
wd he even remember
who Delaney was?
can't say
I remember much
abt his career.
but we're saying
he had a moment
of movie history.
& how many
of us
made history?
13 November 2010
scatter me
over the decades I've written many wills. in one I askd that my cremated remains be divided in half. one portion was to be dumpd into the Atlantic from Provincetown which gave me so many glorious memories. the other half wd go into the Pacific from Monterey where I was born.
I've since realizd this is a hugh favor to ask. also I haven't been to P'town in ages & have no real resonance with Monterey except as place of birth. so my current notion is to have my ashes scatterd in the arroyo that gives name to this blog. maybe even thrown from the pedestrian bridge I cross daily & which was the place for my piece "Bridge over Arroyo."
then this morning our local paper headlined that the archbishop -- with so little else to do -- has condemnd the scattering of ashes. I'm delightd. my passionate disdain for all religions goes into overdrive when they continually overrearch like this. I cdn't have askd for a better last chapter.
I've since realizd this is a hugh favor to ask. also I haven't been to P'town in ages & have no real resonance with Monterey except as place of birth. so my current notion is to have my ashes scatterd in the arroyo that gives name to this blog. maybe even thrown from the pedestrian bridge I cross daily & which was the place for my piece "Bridge over Arroyo."
then this morning our local paper headlined that the archbishop -- with so little else to do -- has condemnd the scattering of ashes. I'm delightd. my passionate disdain for all religions goes into overdrive when they continually overrearch like this. I cdn't have askd for a better last chapter.
12 November 2010
pat down
morning news had a story abt pilots objecting to the pat-downs they're receiving after going thru the new airport scanning machines.
last week I went thru one for the 1st time & as an exhibitionist was initially tittilatd by imagining a stranger observing my genitals in public. well.... I was stoppd for a search. that surprisd me. I was askd to stand on a pad which had markings for feet. the TSA man clearly was uncomfortable with his job. he told me he'd have to pat me down & did I object. I sd no. then he askd me if I wantd to go to a private area. as much fun as that mite be under other circumstances I told him to get on with it. he began putting his hands on me but you cd tell by the paind look on his face that he wasn't enjoying his job.
he askd me if I was wearing any kind of medical device around my middle. "only fat" I replied with a smile. this nervous gentleman wasn't smiling back. he told me the scan showd something around my middle. "I'll have to pat you there." it turnd out to be my shirt which naturally was tuckd in my pants.
now if we've paid all this money for a machine that can't determine if yr shirt's tuckd in I think we've made another mistake. traveling is unpleasant enuf. detaining someone for something as silly as this is simply irritating. the next time I get stoppd I think I'll demand having someone who at least enjoys patting me down.
last week I went thru one for the 1st time & as an exhibitionist was initially tittilatd by imagining a stranger observing my genitals in public. well.... I was stoppd for a search. that surprisd me. I was askd to stand on a pad which had markings for feet. the TSA man clearly was uncomfortable with his job. he told me he'd have to pat me down & did I object. I sd no. then he askd me if I wantd to go to a private area. as much fun as that mite be under other circumstances I told him to get on with it. he began putting his hands on me but you cd tell by the paind look on his face that he wasn't enjoying his job.
he askd me if I was wearing any kind of medical device around my middle. "only fat" I replied with a smile. this nervous gentleman wasn't smiling back. he told me the scan showd something around my middle. "I'll have to pat you there." it turnd out to be my shirt which naturally was tuckd in my pants.
now if we've paid all this money for a machine that can't determine if yr shirt's tuckd in I think we've made another mistake. traveling is unpleasant enuf. detaining someone for something as silly as this is simply irritating. the next time I get stoppd I think I'll demand having someone who at least enjoys patting me down.
11 November 2010
10 November 2010
Busam's "A Walk" #4
on sun 24 oct Mike Busam went on a birdwatching expedition which turnd into something different. instead he pickd plants.
"I've sent these plants and cards to people who have an appreciation for the 'small' or less obvious things in the world and who would find the humor in setting out on a walk with the intention of observing birds but instead spending an hour looking at plants -- mostly non-native and invasive plants, but plants with interesting histories and lives nonetheless."
I feel lucky to have been chosen to receive part of this piece. thx Mike.
09 November 2010
08 November 2010
03 November 2010
02 November 2010
Day of the Dead
pundits predict a Republican sweep at the polls. how appropriate that such a giant step backward happens on this particular day.
01 November 2010
seeing myself
tonite TCM presentd the David H. Shepard compilation of Edison films. this is one that hit me:
from the moment it began I saw the boy in the white shirt carrying the packages & immediately identified with him. everything is happening around him but he's transfixd by the camera. as the film went on I felt that that boy was me in "Alex in Movieland." it was a powerful feeling.
from the moment it began I saw the boy in the white shirt carrying the packages & immediately identified with him. everything is happening around him but he's transfixd by the camera. as the film went on I felt that that boy was me in "Alex in Movieland." it was a powerful feeling.
31 October 2010
overheard at Love Field
"the devil is the author of confusion"
part of the curse of the cell phone is that in public places we have no choice but to enter into private lives of strangers. much of what one hears in passing on the street or at the grocery store or in an airport is boring in scope & banal in delivery. so I was surprisd yesterday when a woman passing my gate sd this. since that was all I heard as she went by I have no idea of context. is it original or a quotation?
part of the curse of the cell phone is that in public places we have no choice but to enter into private lives of strangers. much of what one hears in passing on the street or at the grocery store or in an airport is boring in scope & banal in delivery. so I was surprisd yesterday when a woman passing my gate sd this. since that was all I heard as she went by I have no idea of context. is it original or a quotation?
30 October 2010
since Melina died I haven't shared my house with an animal. I feed neighborhood cats on the back portal. I can go a few houses down to Rita's to greet her dog Cinco & cat Marcos. & I've become an uncle to Emma to Culver City.
an hour ago I returnd from a quick trip to visit my penpal Bob in Texas. for the 1st time I met his two wonderful pets. Cali is a sweet dog.
& here Hilton decides to lick my chin.
an hour ago I returnd from a quick trip to visit my penpal Bob in Texas. for the 1st time I met his two wonderful pets. Cali is a sweet dog.
& here Hilton decides to lick my chin.

29 October 2010
28 October 2010
marrying this clock
no quick courtship
been ticking
along for years
just for
the RIGHT time
been ticking
along for years
just for
the RIGHT time
27 October 2010
26 October 2010
Sylvia Sleigh (1916-2010)

one of her portraits of Paul Rosano from the '70s
& on his blog Ira Joel Haber posts some wonderful photos
here the artist speaks
& here are other portraits of Rosano as well as "The Turkish Bath"
25 October 2010
Weather Channel sez they're 40 mph. but it feels much gustier out. & the cooldown these winds are bringing looks to give us our first frost tonite.
24 October 2010
the word "focus" becomes a movie star
for Tom Beckett
what was hearth
gave heat to Kepler
its rays spread
words in a row
like Busby's chorines
till one
steps out of line
focus on the figure
fake coins sewn
on bodysuit
third girl from left
becomes Kim Novak
I pluck "focus"
from Tom's sentence
a star is born
not since that
dirty joke
from junior high
has "focus"
scored like this
it clutches
its breast
walks into
the spotlight
to shimmer
what was hearth
gave heat to Kepler
its rays spread
words in a row
like Busby's chorines
till one
steps out of line
focus on the figure
fake coins sewn
on bodysuit
third girl from left
becomes Kim Novak
I pluck "focus"
from Tom's sentence
a star is born
not since that
dirty joke
from junior high
has "focus"
scored like this
it clutches
its breast
walks into
the spotlight
to shimmer
23 October 2010
22 October 2010
as I age
dance becomes an ever more poignant art.
I'm just back from seeing Aspen Santa Fe Ballet. this extraordinary company of beautiful young people delights on so many levels. but there was a moment in "Uneven" when Sam Chittenden was alone on stage that was a sort of personal time warp. his movements -- of hands & legs then whole body -- suddenly propeld me into a space in which I was my current self as well as a long ago self. it didn't last long but I was suddenly living several moments of my life. I was young & flexible & moving as if time didn't matter. & I was old & lumpy & aware of my ending. all the while physically confined to my seat but with my spirit soaring freely toward the ceiling of the theater.
it made me think that as much as I've loved dance all my life it matters more now. what happend to me tonite cdn't have happend to me 30 years ago or 20 or probably even 10.
I'm just back from seeing Aspen Santa Fe Ballet. this extraordinary company of beautiful young people delights on so many levels. but there was a moment in "Uneven" when Sam Chittenden was alone on stage that was a sort of personal time warp. his movements -- of hands & legs then whole body -- suddenly propeld me into a space in which I was my current self as well as a long ago self. it didn't last long but I was suddenly living several moments of my life. I was young & flexible & moving as if time didn't matter. & I was old & lumpy & aware of my ending. all the while physically confined to my seat but with my spirit soaring freely toward the ceiling of the theater.
it made me think that as much as I've loved dance all my life it matters more now. what happend to me tonite cdn't have happend to me 30 years ago or 20 or probably even 10.
21 October 2010
remembering the Blind Owl
I've been working on a collection of poems calld Ohio Triangle for quite a while. each section of the book focuses on an important city in my life. opening section is "Elyria" & was publishd as a chapbook last year by Crisis Chronicles Press. middle section is "Cleveland" which is ready for publication as a chapbook. & I'm still working on the final section "Kent."
one of the poems in that last grouping is "Blind Owl (1964-65)." & now I've discoverd a wonderful little history of the folk music venue by Roger Thurman (who stage-managed a high school musical for which I wrote publicity many years ago).
altho I saw several of the famous performers listd in Thurman's piece there are so many more I didn't but now wish I had. after all these years I can still bring back the feeling of sitting in that little black space drinking hot apple cider with a cinnamon stick & waiting for the music to begin.
one of the poems in that last grouping is "Blind Owl (1964-65)." & now I've discoverd a wonderful little history of the folk music venue by Roger Thurman (who stage-managed a high school musical for which I wrote publicity many years ago).
altho I saw several of the famous performers listd in Thurman's piece there are so many more I didn't but now wish I had. after all these years I can still bring back the feeling of sitting in that little black space drinking hot apple cider with a cinnamon stick & waiting for the music to begin.
20 October 2010
19 October 2010
levy online
Joanne Cornelius announces that Cleveland Memory Project updated its d. a. levy website. among the new material is rare 1967 footage of the Fugs performing at the levy/Lowell defense benefit.
also available are page-by-page scans of many publications levy edited including Marrahwannah Quarterly. here is a poem of mine which appeard in that legendary publication in 1966:
also available are page-by-page scans of many publications levy edited including Marrahwannah Quarterly. here is a poem of mine which appeard in that legendary publication in 1966:

just when I thot snail mail was dead
this happens:
a box from Brent Kubasta in Florida containing a book a t-shirt CDs of his program "The Magic Transistor Radio Show"
an envelope from Gary Brower in nearby Placitas with the newest issue of Malpais Review with 2 of my poems
a box from cousin Paula in Georgia full of Halloween goodies
all in the same day
a box from Brent Kubasta in Florida containing a book a t-shirt CDs of his program "The Magic Transistor Radio Show"
an envelope from Gary Brower in nearby Placitas with the newest issue of Malpais Review with 2 of my poems
a box from cousin Paula in Georgia full of Halloween goodies
all in the same day
18 October 2010
Egyptian Theater
17 October 2010
16 October 2010
happy Sweetest Day
my mother celebrates every holiday & when there isn't one makes the day into one. this year she sent me money to get my neighbors Sweetest Day gifts from her.
since there is already a Valentines Day which I always presumd was begun by candymakers as a way to boost profits I never understood exactly what this Sweetest Day is. then this morning I discoverd via a Facebook post that the holiday was begun in Cleveland. I checkd Wikipedia & found that indeed it was begun in Cleveland. & yes its guise was to cheer the less fortunate but was actually another means to peddle sweets since it was creatd by candy manufacturers.
besides the Cleveland connection I like that Theda Bara was slightly involvd in pushing the holiday. I'm sure Cleveland's candy merchants learnd a great deal abt promotion from Hollywood & this cross-pollination tickles me.
since there is already a Valentines Day which I always presumd was begun by candymakers as a way to boost profits I never understood exactly what this Sweetest Day is. then this morning I discoverd via a Facebook post that the holiday was begun in Cleveland. I checkd Wikipedia & found that indeed it was begun in Cleveland. & yes its guise was to cheer the less fortunate but was actually another means to peddle sweets since it was creatd by candy manufacturers.
besides the Cleveland connection I like that Theda Bara was slightly involvd in pushing the holiday. I'm sure Cleveland's candy merchants learnd a great deal abt promotion from Hollywood & this cross-pollination tickles me.
15 October 2010
from the files
going thru old stuff I found these notes from my only meeting with Sam Steward in the spring of 1982.
time strikes on entering Sam Steward's. it's the clocks all over the house. ticking their unsynchronized concertos. it's the mementoes: Gertrude Stein's stamp box Valentino's public hair in a reliquary. enough police patches to make a quilt. then it's Sam himself the man whose lovers aren't just legion but legend. Sam nearing his 80s nbsp; & still averaging four fucks a month (large pink slashes in his engagement calendar).
he's just out of hospital wth a pneumonia seige. besides the clocks & the phone which registers a few honks rather than the traditional ring there's another interlude of bells to remind him to take a pill.
we talk abt his late fame which still surprises him & his writing. a roman a clef abt Sir Francis Rose written in the '50s is being revised. & he's correcting proof on an old Gay Sunshine interview which was never printd but will appear at last in the 2nd book of GS interviews (which Winston Leyland told me abt last nite). & finally the most recent Phil Andros novel will appear from Gray Fox. (Sam had phoned me in Ohio to see if Craig Russell might undertake a cover only to discover Don Allen had already askd Tom of Finland whose drawing Sam showed me.)
Sam told me he hoped Mark Thompson wd cease sending him books to review for The Advocate. the last was the Brendan Behan memoir which he found dreary.
time strikes on entering Sam Steward's. it's the clocks all over the house. ticking their unsynchronized concertos. it's the mementoes: Gertrude Stein's stamp box Valentino's public hair in a reliquary. enough police patches to make a quilt. then it's Sam himself the man whose lovers aren't just legion but legend. Sam nearing his 80s nbsp; & still averaging four fucks a month (large pink slashes in his engagement calendar).
he's just out of hospital wth a pneumonia seige. besides the clocks & the phone which registers a few honks rather than the traditional ring there's another interlude of bells to remind him to take a pill.
we talk abt his late fame which still surprises him & his writing. a roman a clef abt Sir Francis Rose written in the '50s is being revised. & he's correcting proof on an old Gay Sunshine interview which was never printd but will appear at last in the 2nd book of GS interviews (which Winston Leyland told me abt last nite). & finally the most recent Phil Andros novel will appear from Gray Fox. (Sam had phoned me in Ohio to see if Craig Russell might undertake a cover only to discover Don Allen had already askd Tom of Finland whose drawing Sam showed me.)
Sam told me he hoped Mark Thompson wd cease sending him books to review for The Advocate. the last was the Brendan Behan memoir which he found dreary.
14 October 2010
13 October 2010
12 October 2010
queen for a day

I was starstruck as a child. & many of the personalities upon whom I gave star status have stayd with me over the decades. for reasons I don't understand I've continued to think on & off abt many of them.
this morning I read the obit of one of those long-ago fascinations -- Leona Gage. clippings of her short reign as a beauty queen are in the scrapbooks I kept so many years ago. the obit fails to mention the 5 movies she made or her descent into working strip clubs.
if I'd become a journalist -- as one early career path suggestd -- I think I wd've concentratd on finding out what happend to people who are thrown into the spotlight for a short time & the results of that on the rest of their lives.
11 October 2010
in middle of a dream in which I was writing an entry here. as I stumbld toward the kitchen I had growing ideas on how to amplify the post. but by the time I'd finishd cereal I came to the realization that I'd already written this entry some years ago.
10 October 2010
09 October 2010
Homecoming at Kent State
not there today. but remembering Homecoming back in 1986 when rock legend Joe Walsh returnd to town to grand marshall the parade.

sharing the Cadillac were Gary Jackett & Bill Zorn.

sharing the Cadillac were Gary Jackett & Bill Zorn.

08 October 2010
Roy Ward Baker (1916-2010)
when I think of this British director 2 of his films come to mind.
in "Don't Bother to Knock" he guided Marilyn Monroe to one of her first important performances. & altho I haven't seen "Dr. Jekyll & Sister Hyde" in years it's one of those films for which I had an unexplicable fondness.
in "Don't Bother to Knock" he guided Marilyn Monroe to one of her first important performances. & altho I haven't seen "Dr. Jekyll & Sister Hyde" in years it's one of those films for which I had an unexplicable fondness.
07 October 2010
haven't read Millay in a hundred years. & never had a connection with her. but I'm a fan of Bill Fogle & I'm happy when he's making his little films. & his love of Millay turns this into a small joy.
06 October 2010
a favorite poster
05 October 2010
crossd the arroyo to go to my neighborhood office supply store to purchase a new desk lamp. they had a DVD sale. it's impossible for me not to peruse any DVD sale. I pickd one -- the 1949 "Batman & Robin" serial featuring durable Lyle Talbot as Commissioner Gordon.
as I was checking out the saleslady told me that was a very popular item. "you must have a little guy at home" she sd. "yup" I replied "the little guy is me."
as I was checking out the saleslady told me that was a very popular item. "you must have a little guy at home" she sd. "yup" I replied "the little guy is me."
04 October 2010
03 October 2010
for other people to do things.
a bunch of people. lots of stuff.
not to worry. I'm still producing
but sometimes one has to wait for others.
a bunch of people. lots of stuff.
not to worry. I'm still producing
but sometimes one has to wait for others.
01 October 2010
Buddy Morrow (1919-2010)
4 years after the release of this -- his biggest hit -- I saw Morrow & his big band at the Lorain County Fair.
free meals
I was in shock when I got a free lunch on my Continental flight to Cleveland & then breakfast on my return.
in the latest batch of clippings from Mom I read in the Plain Dealer that Continental was the final airline to provide meals in economy class for nothing & that the service will end in 2 weeks.
& I remember when people got dressd up to fly & were servd a complete dinner on china with silverware & cloth napkins even in coach.
in the latest batch of clippings from Mom I read in the Plain Dealer that Continental was the final airline to provide meals in economy class for nothing & that the service will end in 2 weeks.
& I remember when people got dressd up to fly & were servd a complete dinner on china with silverware & cloth napkins even in coach.
30 September 2010
Tony Curtis (1925-2010)
here is the poem I read before the actor 5 months ago:
hairs on the arm
that holds a dagger
makes smooth chest unreal
he wears earrings
& a thick bracelet
on his bicep
this is a prince's pose
with a 42nd St
(publishd in It's All a Movie)
Curtis also appears in 2 poems in The Arrow That is Hollywood Pierces the Soul That is Me which needs to be publishd soon.
hairs on the arm
that holds a dagger
makes smooth chest unreal
he wears earrings
& a thick bracelet
on his bicep
this is a prince's pose
with a 42nd St
(publishd in It's All a Movie)
Curtis also appears in 2 poems in The Arrow That is Hollywood Pierces the Soul That is Me which needs to be publishd soon.
29 September 2010
Michael Gizzi (1949-2010)
28 September 2010
my travels began at Cleveland Hopkins & finishd at Albuquerque Sunport.
today Jimmy Carter flew into Hopkins & was rushd to a nearby hospital while President Obama flew into the Sunport.
today Jimmy Carter flew into Hopkins & was rushd to a nearby hospital while President Obama flew into the Sunport.
a few hours
27 September 2010
part of my whirlwind visit was back to campus to mark the 25th anniversary of Kent State University Museum. since I was acting curator during the museum's planning stage I wantd to be there.
other guests included Ann Rutherford who is known to film buffs as Scarlet O'Hara's sister & Andy Hardy's girlfriend

& TCM's Robert Osborne
other guests included Ann Rutherford who is known to film buffs as Scarlet O'Hara's sister & Andy Hardy's girlfriend

& TCM's Robert Osborne

quick trip to Ohio
24 September 2010
many years ago Mom had a penpal in England. her name was Kathleen. maybe that was why I decid'd as a child to have one. I no longer remember where I got the girl's contact material or just how we startd writing. I don't even recall her name or how long that correspondence lastd. she lived in Alaska & my first question to her was "do you live in an igloo?" she didn't.
more recently -- & more importantly -- I've had another penpal. we can't agree on exactly how long ago it was that we met in a chatroom but Bob & I have written each other almost daily for at least a decade.
yesterday we finally met face-to-face. I had such a good time & hope he did as well. I'm not sure why it took us so long to meet. perhaps each of us was afraid the other wdn't find us as scintillating in real time as online. but it was effortless. & when we sd goodbye it was as if we've known each other a dozen years. but then we have.
more recently -- & more importantly -- I've had another penpal. we can't agree on exactly how long ago it was that we met in a chatroom but Bob & I have written each other almost daily for at least a decade.
yesterday we finally met face-to-face. I had such a good time & hope he did as well. I'm not sure why it took us so long to meet. perhaps each of us was afraid the other wdn't find us as scintillating in real time as online. but it was effortless. & when we sd goodbye it was as if we've known each other a dozen years. but then we have.
23 September 2010
nite visitors
noise woke me at 4:30. stumbld out of bed & saw on back portal a pair of raccoons. one scamperd off when I lit up the space. but the more persistent one kept on its task. it had been on the table on which I keep a plastic container full of dry food for Jonathan & other neighborhood felines. it had knockd the container from the table & was attempting to pry open the lid. I bangd on a glass door till it too left.
22 September 2010
on the anniversary of Melina's death
internet as archives
was surprisd to find a "Taking My Turn" fan page on Facebook. & on it a clip of old friend Sheila Smith doing one of her numbers.
I've known Sheila for many years & have seen her in countless shows over that time. it's great to have this bit of her past so easily available.

here we are in Kent in 1990.
I've known Sheila for many years & have seen her in countless shows over that time. it's great to have this bit of her past so easily available.

here we are in Kent in 1990.
21 September 2010
Mama Grizzlies
I am not a misogynist but I must say I'm disgustd by how many hateful backward-thinking women are currently running for public office.
20 September 2010
as I waterd
my apricot tree this morning a hummingbird came to the edge of the spray for a tentative dance. after a few moments of play he went to a branch for a brief sit & then was off.
19 September 2010
remembering James Broughton
Stephen Silha is executive producer & co-director of the forthcoming "Big Joy." he stoppd by yesterday to talk abt the subject of his documentary.
18 September 2010
left out
in Denver I bought the new Sam Steward bio -- Secret Historian -- which I'm reading now.
sadly (for me) it omits his intro to my Postcard Memoirs from the bibliography. also missing is his contribution to Gildzen at 50. Sam's part of our correspondence is available to the public at Kent State but that gets no mention either.

on my only visit to his house Sam gave me this souvenir of his tenure as a tattoo artist.
sadly (for me) it omits his intro to my Postcard Memoirs from the bibliography. also missing is his contribution to Gildzen at 50. Sam's part of our correspondence is available to the public at Kent State but that gets no mention either.

on my only visit to his house Sam gave me this souvenir of his tenure as a tattoo artist.
17 September 2010
16 September 2010
some days
I wonder if this really is the 21st century.
my morning starts with vitamin pills & juice after which I stumble toward the tv for the news. this morning it's tape of the Delaware loon proclaiming the evils of masturbation. then we see the queen of England lumbering beside the pope.
after my cereal I turn on the computer & check the obits to see who didn't make it thru the nite. then favorite blogs & other sites. I learn that today Anne Francis turns 80.
all right. I know not everyone who visits here is as addictd to cinema as I am. so if you are of a certain age & disposition you may not know or care who Anne Francis is. but I do. so I lift my coffee mug in her honor.
these days I suspect her best known film is "Forbidden Planet." she's also become somewhat of a tv cult figure for her short-lived series "Honey West."

her leading man in that show was my friend John Ericson. some years ago he introduced me to her at Riva Yares Gallery in town. they also appeard opposite each other in the classic film "Bad Day at Black Rock."
so while some queen grasping her expensive handbag walks alongside the rodent pope & the teabaggers protest they really aren't homophobic racists I'll check out Anne Francis on You Tube. soon my state will elect one of those lunatic ladies from the backward-looking Tea Party Express as our 1st female governor. maybe it doesn't matter. all politicians seem to end up as power-hungry crooks. perhaps it's time to give up on all the cable political panels & only watch old movies. Anne Francis will always be more important to me than Sarah Palin.
my morning starts with vitamin pills & juice after which I stumble toward the tv for the news. this morning it's tape of the Delaware loon proclaiming the evils of masturbation. then we see the queen of England lumbering beside the pope.
after my cereal I turn on the computer & check the obits to see who didn't make it thru the nite. then favorite blogs & other sites. I learn that today Anne Francis turns 80.
all right. I know not everyone who visits here is as addictd to cinema as I am. so if you are of a certain age & disposition you may not know or care who Anne Francis is. but I do. so I lift my coffee mug in her honor.
these days I suspect her best known film is "Forbidden Planet." she's also become somewhat of a tv cult figure for her short-lived series "Honey West."

her leading man in that show was my friend John Ericson. some years ago he introduced me to her at Riva Yares Gallery in town. they also appeard opposite each other in the classic film "Bad Day at Black Rock."
so while some queen grasping her expensive handbag walks alongside the rodent pope & the teabaggers protest they really aren't homophobic racists I'll check out Anne Francis on You Tube. soon my state will elect one of those lunatic ladies from the backward-looking Tea Party Express as our 1st female governor. maybe it doesn't matter. all politicians seem to end up as power-hungry crooks. perhaps it's time to give up on all the cable political panels & only watch old movies. Anne Francis will always be more important to me than Sarah Palin.
15 September 2010
14 September 2010
13 September 2010
false advertising
just back from a weekend in Denver. I went for the King Tut exhibition. I'd missd previous incarnations of the show. it's theatrically presentd with Harrison Ford narrating the commentary. & there are exquisite pieces worth seeing.
however all the ads feature the most famous item from that treasure trove -- the boy king's gold funeral mask. & that piece is absent from this version of the traveling show.
however all the ads feature the most famous item from that treasure trove -- the boy king's gold funeral mask. & that piece is absent from this version of the traveling show.
09 September 2010
Nina Vale
08 September 2010
07 September 2010
a good read
at dinner the other nite Robert Nott gave me the sept issue of Playboy. it's been many a year since I've dippd into that magazine. but he had a reason. the once-celebratd Playboy Interview is with Paul Reubens.
in an age when celebrity interviews have become boringly predictable this one is the best I've read in some time. refreshingly honest. if you're a Pee-wee fan this is must reading.
in an age when celebrity interviews have become boringly predictable this one is the best I've read in some time. refreshingly honest. if you're a Pee-wee fan this is must reading.
06 September 2010
05 September 2010
out of the past
John Reeves is bringing some of the old Shelly's publications to the internet.
among them: my Kencompotl pamphlet from 1979.
among them: my Kencompotl pamphlet from 1979.
04 September 2010
I can go for weeks without remembering my dreams. then I'll wake up with one as bright as a penny found on the bike path.
I just woke from a dream in which I was playing a heavy in an Orson Welles film. the rotund Welles was a precise director but also was welcoming of collaboration. my scene was at the end of the film & was being shot on a stage. Welles stoppd filming mid-scene when he'd suddenly come up with a new idea.
the impetus for the dream must be something that happend yesterday. George Wallace askd me for a poem & the one I sent him was abt Welles from one of my books-in-progress.
I just woke from a dream in which I was playing a heavy in an Orson Welles film. the rotund Welles was a precise director but also was welcoming of collaboration. my scene was at the end of the film & was being shot on a stage. Welles stoppd filming mid-scene when he'd suddenly come up with a new idea.
the impetus for the dream must be something that happend yesterday. George Wallace askd me for a poem & the one I sent him was abt Welles from one of my books-in-progress.
03 September 2010
02 September 2010
for GWTW buffs

Cammie King died yesterday. as a child she playd Bonnie Blue Butler in the 1939 classic.

to mark the 50th anniversary of the film some friends & I went to Cadiz -- birthplace of Clark Gable -- to attend a celebration of the movie. several of the cast memebrs were there. in this photo King on the right is being interviewd for a local tv station. that's me on the left. my friends & I spent more time with her cute son Matt who was beginning an acting career of his own.
01 September 2010
how we change
my last post got me thinking abt my experiences with autographs. I think the first celebrity I askd was film star Denise Darcel when I was 12. later that same year I also got the signatures of Keefe Brasselle & Duke Ellington when they visitd Elyria. & I remember being disappointd when Carl Sandburg refusd to sign.
early trips to Manhattan had me at stage doors. I waitd what seemd forever for Geraldine Page who expressd shock that I was still there.
I never considerd the psychology of autograph hunting & won't here. but like so many things in life its appeal simply went away. as someone who once held autographs in esteem it tickles me now when someone asks for mine. it doesn't happen with any regularity but sometimes at readings (which in themselves don't happen to me with regularity). it brings back so many memories.
early trips to Manhattan had me at stage doors. I waitd what seemd forever for Geraldine Page who expressd shock that I was still there.
I never considerd the psychology of autograph hunting & won't here. but like so many things in life its appeal simply went away. as someone who once held autographs in esteem it tickles me now when someone asks for mine. it doesn't happen with any regularity but sometimes at readings (which in themselves don't happen to me with regularity). it brings back so many memories.
31 August 2010
Scott Caan's first autograph
watching "American Outlaws" last nite it was tough to take my eyes off Colin Farrell as Jesse James. but when I did it was to look at Scott Caan as Cole Younger. this beefy little guy has a certain swagger that the camera likes.

& as I watchd Caan I rememberd meeting him 15 years ago. it was at the Taos Talking Picture Festival after a screening of his first film "A Boy Called Hate." he seemd a bit nervous. I askd him to sign my program. he told me it was the first time he'd ever been askd for an autograph.
the signatures beneath his are those of co-star Adam Beach & their director Mitch Marcus.

& as I watchd Caan I rememberd meeting him 15 years ago. it was at the Taos Talking Picture Festival after a screening of his first film "A Boy Called Hate." he seemd a bit nervous. I askd him to sign my program. he told me it was the first time he'd ever been askd for an autograph.
the signatures beneath his are those of co-star Adam Beach & their director Mitch Marcus.
30 August 2010
serial dreaming
I don't think this has ever happend to me before.
2 nites ago I dreamt I was assisting in organizing the holdings of painter Bernique Longley after her death. last nite the narrative continued exactly where it left off in her attic.
when I was young I had a recurring nitemare but I don't recall this sort of thing happening in my dreamlife.
2 nites ago I dreamt I was assisting in organizing the holdings of painter Bernique Longley after her death. last nite the narrative continued exactly where it left off in her attic.
when I was young I had a recurring nitemare but I don't recall this sort of thing happening in my dreamlife.
29 August 2010
Places I will never see again
because they will never be again
high school homeroom
college dorm
first Manhattan hotel
all torn down
Jean-Claude's barn
burnd down
& places like
house in Twin Lakes
David's livingroom
shells remain
but interiors alive
only in photographs
& memory
& how long
will memory last
so I make
a reservation
for a place
I've never been
where I will meet
someone I don't know
to write
a new chapter
high school homeroom
college dorm
first Manhattan hotel
all torn down
Jean-Claude's barn
burnd down
& places like
house in Twin Lakes
David's livingroom
shells remain
but interiors alive
only in photographs
& memory
& how long
will memory last
so I make
a reservation
for a place
I've never been
where I will meet
someone I don't know
to write
a new chapter
27 August 2010
26 August 2010
25 August 2010
24 August 2010
Laguna Beach
23 August 2010
Culver City
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