19 June 2023


it happens offer. I conduct a search for something & in the process discover something else. tonite I learnd that late last year Poet's Press brought out the second edition of a book of poems they first releasd in 1972. yes..... that's a half century.

the book is Freedom and Other Times. it's a collection of poems by a classmate of mine in grad school. his name is Bob Carothers. when we were teaching fellows in Kent's English Department in 1967 we began a magazine calld "Toucan." how strange but sweet that after all this time his book is back & I still publish using the imprint of Toucan Press.

I haven't seen or even been in touch with Bob in a very long time. but reading his poems tonite -- especially in the Kent section -- brought back so many memories. I cd see him in class & our heavy conversations after. I cd even hear him recite particular lines I recalld from one of those poems at poetry readings we did in The Cellar & other spots.  it was a time of promise. the promise of youth. & we're both still here to remember it while basking in the successes of lives well led.


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