03 February 2006


when you walk into the guest bathroom this is the wall you see:

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all film stars. & mostly pictures I collectd as a kid. here is one close-up:

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Boris Karloff has long been a favorite. altho I see him on this wall everyday   he's esp with me today. Film Forum in NYC opens its Karloff retrospective tonite. wish I cd be there for the whole event.


cinemage books said...

I like Karloff also, but don't know if I'll get to any of the films at the Film Forum, which is one of my least favorite theatres in the city. terrible sight lines,with huge columns. If someone tall sits in front of me forget it. But I go when I really want to see something great there. Once I was at a book fair and I had bought a book, which I can't recall now, but as I looked at it out fell a small piece of paper that was inscribed and signed by Karloff. I sold it of course, and then a couple of years ago I found a book written about him by his daughter which she had inscribed on a photo of herself reproduced in the book. I sold that also. And finally why isn't my portrait up on the wall of fame or shame Mr. Gildzen.

Alex Gildzen said...

Mr. Haber -- I believe that's the only room in the house that doesn't have any of yr art. but you are representd in a way. the Sal Mineo shower photo which was such a huge part of my puberty is a gift from you.

richard lopez said...

i love karloff and think his voice as the grinch was perfect casting, way back when. his most frequently known work, if i remember this right, is with the hammer studios, churning gothic horror shows. i'm gonna have to check up on this one, but i believe hammer released a relatively rare film that stars both karloff and lugosi called _the black cat_ that i caught late night on tv last year.

Alex Gildzen said...

Edgar G. Ulmer's "The Black Cat" (1934) was a Universal picture. the first of several Karloff & Lugosi made together.