in 1972 I wrote
The Year Book which was publishd 2 years later by North Atlantic Books. always the prescient one I knew that some day
Tom Beckett wd ask us to record a day. so here's what I wrote on my 29th birthday:
1 up at 6 pee open presents (
The Collected Poems of Frank O'Hara The Films of Charlie Chaplin Hedda and Louella "American Pie" "Jesus Christ Superstar") while listening to the news shower shave brush teeth feed cats
2 drive with Charles past Lake Rockwell thru Brady Lake into Kent sit in student union for half hour walk to tower following Gary Bishop at one point unlock elevators open up reading room
3 long letter to Ira short ones to Fran McCullough & the Metcalfs post card to Ned xerox of Jake Falstaff's obit arrives in morning mail
4 stop at Glen Frank's office to sign open letter to Nixon condeming continuation of war & resumed bombing no one there
5 lunch over Katie's Selectric typing my Falstaff piece for
Poetics6 stop at Glen Frank's office again still no one
7 buy a
NY Times mail Ira's letter catch a bus back to tower write to Tom who's moving from a trailer (space 86 1215 Las Vegas Blvd. N.) to a house (2112 Potosi)
8 prepare card copy for exhibition observing 40th anniversary of Hart Crane's suicide catalog Aram Saroyan's letters to John Perreault
9 on homeward bus read George McGovern's "My Stand" in the
Times10 pee play "Jesus Christ Superstar" eat Paul's cheese spread on Saltines feed cats hear Angela Davis' love letters to George Jackson on 6 o'clock news leftovers for dinner
11 listen to "American Pie" read O'Hara's "Second Avenue" Crane's "Chaplinesque" Whitman's "Recorders Ages Hence" Keats' "The Eve of Saint Mark" chapters 55-57 of
Moby Dick12 birthday call from parents Charles' chcolate cheesecake NBC primary winners: McGovern in Massachusetts LBJ's vice-president in Pennsylvania McGovern quotes Yeats in victory speech brush teeth pee bed at 11:11