30 September 2024

my Daniel Bateman story

 in march of 2020 I went to a concert by Max Von Essen & Billy Strich. as I was leaving I saw Jeffrey Norman & Daniel Bateman. after a bit of a chat I huggd Jeff & then Daniel. a few days later I went into self isolation as the Covid pandemic began to take more lives.

it was a scary time. a major vulnerable population was the elderly. of course I didn't feel old but I knew the numbers were there. I didn't want my life to end with tubes stuck into me. so I was drastic in my isolation. at first I only left the house for short walks. I was afraid to go into grocery stores which introduced me to services such as Instacart. if someone came to the house -- & that was rare -- I spoke to them thru the window in my guest room. because I wasn't going to the gym I devisd my own exercise regime which included long walks. if I encounterd anyone I knew I spoke but kept my distance. it was a time with no physical contact.

11 months after going into isolation I waitd in line for the first available Covid shot. the woman who gave me the injection of course took my arm first. I was overwhelmd. I told her she was the first person to touch me in almost a year. that was the longest period of my life I'd gone without any kind of touch.

last nite Cinema Diverse came to an end with the world premiere of an indie film calld "Love, Venezia." its star was Daniel Bateman. on screen he has physical contact with several men -- concluding with some intense interaction. I was full of emotion remembering that he was the last person I touchd before my 11 months in a quiet life of distancing & masks. as I was leaving he ran up to me & gave me a hug. he had no way to know how much that meant to me. my 2020 hug to him & now his to me. 

life is full of twists & turns. I always try to make sense of them. to put things in order. to make art out of everything. writing this brings back that strange time with which we all dealt. & how the simplest of touches can resonate.

31 July 2024

"I'm just Ken"

 there's a Barbie collectors convention in town. so one of our gallerists askd his artists to make Barbie-inspired art. the opening was last nite.

20 July 2024

short poems


Luchador Press presents Alex Gildzen's Poems that Fit in a Shoe. The bulk of the book is his collected short poems written between the ages of 19 and 80. As a bonus is a recent group of short poems carved from a 1973 travel journal. The book is available from Amazon and Barnes & Noble.

06 July 2024

a hundred years later

yesterday there was chatter online abt the centennial of the first version of "The Enchanted Cottage." the stars were Richard Barthelmess -- one of my favorite actors from the silent era -- & May McAvoy -- who I was lucky to meet.

I did a search & found it on You Tube. not the new restoration but an old muddy print. not knowing when I'll be able to see the new print I watchd what's available. & what pleased me most was May McAvoy's performance. today she's best known for the female leads in a pair of classics -- "Ben Hur" & "The Jazz Singer." however both films are vehicles for strong male leads. she's almost window dressing.

I met May thru our mutual friend Lois Wilson. she was a delight. I have this great memory of her driving us around Beverly Hills showing us where the great silent stars lived. I wish I'd taken notes after our meetings because I've forgotten so much. but I remember her telling me that she considerd her performance in "The Enchanted Cottage" to be her best screen work. & she indeed is luminous.