30 January 2006

Word Court

we are a litigious nation. o how we love to sue when things don't go our way. I think writers shd institute a court of their own. one in which a panel of peers cd put to death certain words.

my candidate for the first word in the docket is "awesome." my ancient college edition of Webster's defines it as "inspiring awe." you have only to listen in on a cellphone call by a young person at the grocery store or turn on a tv reality show to hear it utterd over & over. makes me cringe.


Charles said...

I say "totally" and "awesome" with abandon, although not usually together.

Alex Gildzen said...

don't forget the men Maliboooo...

I gave up on all red carpet events. most award shows are bad enuf.

Shimmy said...

"Impact" used as a verb.

And to the dungeon with "impactful."

(P.S. The spider plant made me drowsy again today.)

Regality said...

Lord yes. I have two close relatives that just can't get through a sentence without the word "awesome." I may have to send them my dental bill for the appliance to prevent teeth grinding, should it get to that point.

Alex Gildzen said...

evening news reports that at Alito's swearing-in today he used that A word. ugh...