06 January 2006

mail art

the Gildzen postage stamp Posted by Picasa


Regality said...

Is that a legitimate stamp? I seem to have a vague memory of the possibility of personal images.

Alex Gildzen said...

it's legit. my dear friend Billy in Culver City sent me a sheet of 20 of those stamps as my xmas gift. I'm not sure how one goes abt having it done but I was delightd.

BTW Billy also took the photo which is me with Frank Capra's Oscar in Palm Springs.

cinemage books said...

there are several web sites that you can "make" your own stamps for a fee of course on top of the postage fee. They have cracked down on nasty images that people were making up on their stamps. What next?

Exguyparis said...

Here is one source:


There are miles of restrictions, including no "vintage" images. What's the deal with that? I have some vintage images I'd love to use (for example, my great great aunt, who was a surgeon in WW I).


Alex Gildzen said...

no vintage images? how'd I get thru?

BTW I bet there are already collectors out there who have begun to specialize in this kind of stamp.

durlx said...

I thought only dead people could be on stamps... but maybe that's just for currency. I like the idea of personal stamps; there's got to be a lot of interesting possibilities.

Alex Gildzen said...

yes for "regular" stamps I think one must have been dead a decade before appearing. but this whole vanity stamp thing has fewer rules.