14 November 2004

some red flowers

I can go for weeks without being social. then bing... I'm a hummingbird supping yon & hither.

last nite I was invitd to the home of Karen Leigh & Robert Nott for dinner & chat. she's a lovely actress & a lively cook. he's an actor/director/playwright/critic who pens bios of movie stars like John Garfield & Randolph Scott. so the discussion was often filmcentric.

this morning August Highland droppd by. he was editor (& remains publisher) of Muse Apprentice Guild which offerd the world my retrospective. he was in town from California for an exhibition of his paintings at a new gallery on Canyon Rd. altho we've e'd & spoke once on the phone this was my initial meeting with the mysterious Mr. Highland. he is easy to talk with & talks easily. instead of going out I fixd an impromptu soup. the non-stop conversation lastd 5 hours. so I feel I know him better.

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