08 January 2010

a bird picture (for Mike Busam)

our unusual cold has brought many kinds of birds to my back portal this ayem. this has been the most exciting. not the best photo (taken thru glass) but when the bird flies it exhibits maddening patches of red.


Alex Gildzen said...

Jim Cory informs me this is a member of the Colapte family. or as commonly known -- a flicker.

MjB said...

Thanks, Alex! I like the Northern Flicker photo. We have the yellow-shafted form of the Northern Flicker here in the east--the underwings and upper wing feather shafts are yellow. Your western form, the red-shafted, has red-to-pink underwings and upper wing shafts, the latter of which seem to be just visible in your photo. They're beautiful birds. Next to my computer, I have a couple Northern Flicker tail feathers that I found out in the yard--maybe a cat or hawk killed the bird, and left the pile of feathers.

Take care,

egypt-panorama.com said...

I like the Northern Flicker photo. We have the yellow-shafted form of the Northern Flicker here in the east--the underwings and upper wing feather shafts are yellow.
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