01 July 2007

bird brain

when I got home from the cinemateque just past 10 last nite a bird flew into the house. I opend all the doors & askd it to leave. 3 and a half hours later it flew out. in the inbetween time I wore myself out. I tried to nudge it out with a broom. I had no intention of hurting it. I just wantd it out so I cd go to bed. I tried a larger expanse of a sheet. I know the bird was scared. that's why it kept shitting all over the place. it simply wdn't exit. it flew from the top of the frame on the Joe O'Sickey across the livingroom to the Richard Larson & back to the Mary Ann Begland. I was certain it'd shit on a painting & became crosser & crosser. at times it perchd on the door   inches from outside but didn't have the intelligence to fly out. I guess I finally wore it out shortly before it did me in. it was abt 2 by the time I hit the pillows. I had to get up early for breakfast with neighbors.

if this day wasn't made for a nap none has been.

1 comment:

Vera Charles said...

I would have done just the same, which is why our hearts connected.