21 July 2007

monsoon season arrives

I was an hour into a movie when the storm hit. it knockd out satellite so I turnd off the tv & went out to the back portal. I was there less than 30 seconds when a lightning bolt struck so close to the house that the concrete beneath me shook & there was a burnt smell in the wet air. I dashd inside   tintinabulous aftershocks surrounding my whole body. the rain became torrential   flooding my patio. then I cd hear the roar. Arroyo Chamisa once more became a river.

after an hour of hard rain   we're in a lull. but I can still hear my temporary river.


cinemage books said...

what movie?

Alex Gildzen said...

well Ira Joel -- it was one you dislike: "Little Miss Sunshine." I watchd it for Arkin but I guess he got his awards more for a career than what he did here. I doubt I'll try seeing the last of it.

cinemage books said...

Yes I did not really care for sunshine, think Arkin won because of the backlash against the disgusting Eddie Murphy. As I said "Anyone but Eddie Murphy." Jackie Earl Haley was the one who should have won, but the Oscars being the Oscars.....