25 May 2010

government has faild us


durlx said...

It's dreadful, but finally someone is telling the truth about how bad it really is. This should totally bankrupt BP; they should never be allowed to drill again.

Alex Gildzen said...

this is a major sorrow. it's too late to blame the Bush presidents. they will have to live with that. but what abt Obama? I know he can't cap the spill but why isn't he showing leadership in the clean-up? his presidency is abt to go down the toilet.

Alex Gildzen said...

another disappointment: Obama sending 1200 National Guard troops -- not to the oil-strewn beaches of the gulf for clean-up -- but to the Mexican border where the teabaggers keep yapping.

Stephen said...

A monumental ecological disaster...
I grieve for the animals & all the wildlife that suffers.

Montgomery Maxton said...

the govt has yet to not fail me.