30 March 2010

TV Guide

James Robert Parish -- knowing of my friendship with silent screen star Lois Wilson -- brightend my morning by sending me a pdf of the 1st issue of TV Guide which featurd Lois & her good friend Gloria Swanson on the cover.

I can almost hear the trivia experts gasp. they say everyone knows that Desi Arnaz Jr. was on the 1st cover in 1953:

well it gets complicatd. yes that was the 1st national issue of TV Guide. however it began in NYC 5 years earlier with Lois & Gloria as the original cover girls. (price of that issue was a dime. today a copy is worth $3000.) also in 1948 there were similar regional publications in Chicago & Philadelphia. the 3 mergd to form the national publication.

for a year or so during my teens I sent the magazine's covers to its subjects asking for autographs. among my papers at Kent State are signd covers from Steve Allen & Bennett Cerf   Bob Hope & Ricky Nelson. & I kept one as a personal souvenir: Walt Disney.


cinemage books said...

The walt disney one if it was indeed really signed by him would be worth a nice penny. Disney was notorious for having others sign stuff for him, including many of his animators. Some years ago I found a rare disney book for cheap and under the flap was an inscription from Disney, but it turned out not to be signed by him. If the signature looks like his "official" logo it is most likely not signed by him.

Bill Fogle said...

The CEO of a company I worked for in Philadelphia (North American Pub Co) owned TV Guide for a brief time but sold it because he did not think it would be profitable. His name was Borowsky, as I recall.