28 April 2015

Dorothy Fuldheim (1893-1989)

things collide. I've written that before.  only because they do. & tonite I watchd the PBS show "The Day the '60s Died."  a bit later on Facebook there was a mention of this legendary Cleveland broadcaster. & I rememberd that one part of her legacy was her comment on Kent State: "We're killing our children."

anyone who grew up in northern Ohio at a certain time will remember this colorful lady. colorful for her fake red hair as well as her quick tongue.  I still remember when I visitd my Uncle John in Lorain we always had to be quiet when she came on tv because he never missd her.

in 1971 I helpd arrange for her to donate her papers to Kent State. & in 1980 Dean Keller & I askd her for something to publish for the Friends of the Libraries. the result was a little book called The House I Live In.  here is her signature in my copy:

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