11 October 2005

prepare yr sunglasses

I'm taking the mysterious reappearance of my photo as a sign to continue. as Jim Cory told me it's important as a record.

however I'm heading to the airport. returning to Ohio for my final visit of the year with my folks.

so there'll be a break. let's hope that when I come back a new brilliance will be brought here   a dazzle which will prompt commentary from far & wide.


left handed said...

I always comment after reading your weblogs: I just rarely write them down.

no one applauded after Lincoln delivered the Gettysburg Address. consider yourself in good company.

Jean Vengua said...

Please continue, Alex!

richard lopez said...

if you had a counter on yr blog, or tracker, or whatever it is called, you'd see that i visit yr writing at least twice a day. i need me alex fix! and don't forget to give tom and yrself a big hug and kiss from me.