20 October 2013


do I think abt baseball. but Tony Trigilio & I were just back&forthing abt baseball poems & I recalld what I believe is the only one I ever wrote.

I rememberd that it appeard in that 1971 issue of Io which became a collector's item because it was one of the earliest appearances of a young writer by the name of Stephen King.

I cdn't find a copy of that issue but then I suddenly rememberd that the poem appeard in my book The Origin of Oregano which also was publishd in 1971. Steve Saylor took my prose poems & made illstrations for them. it came out in a regular edition of 100 copies on silver paper with an additional 50 copies on white paper which Steve & I gave to friends.

looking back after all these years on this forgotten piece I see it's less abt baseball than abt poetry.  & it's much less abt Al Rosen (who I met once when I was a kid) & more abt Marianne Moore who I visitd when she lived next door to my friend Jean-Claude van Itallie.

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