11 September 2006

a morning reverie on yet another reverent morning

as someone reluctantly stumbling into senior citizenship I find it ever easier to fall into routines. part of my morning one is grinding beans & brewing coffee. I like the sound & smell that precedes the gift of taste.

this morning is sunny after an uncharacteristic gray week. so I felt revivd. I lockd the house   walkd across the arroyo bridge   waitd for school busses to halt so I cd cross Zia Rd. then I steppd into Blueberry & orderd coffee to go. I took the paper cup to our neighborhood park where I observd the sun strike the local sushi joint   where I watchd a woman walk her child on a leash thinking how civil that was.

I drank & watchd & took in air that seemd to make me young again. I wonderd how all those years cd've gone by so quickly. I wonderd how many I have left. but that almost didn't matter because I was so alive in the moment of sun & coffee & a kid on a leash. & when the coffee was gone I walkd back across Zia & past the dazzle of yellow at the sides of the middle school football field. I walkd across my little bridge & into my yard. I glancd at young trumpet vines that got their start in my parents' backyard & now were trying out another climate. I unlockd my door & walkd into my house & a smile broke across my face.

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