07 August 2006

lots of pep in those peplums

Garbo is staring off the envelope that just arrivd from Culver City where she made most of her movies. my friend Billy lives there now & in the envelope was an article from the LA Times abt a new exhibition "Beefcake Babylon."

if you've been reading this for a while you know of my fondness for Richard Harrison. I'm not sure if he's representd in the show but of course Steve Reeves is. he's by far the king of the sword & sandal genre.


Alex Gildzen said...

whoops... Richard Harrison is an American actor who startd as a physique model. he later moved to Italy (was Gore Vidal's neighbor)& made gladiator movies.

you have him mixd up with the late Richard Harris who was British & only coincidentlaly appeard in "Gladiator."

BTW in correspondence with the director of Drkrm Gallery I've learnd that there are several photos of Harrison in the exhibition.

Alex Gildzen said...

sorry to hear abt the surgery Rob. hope you're coming along well. maybe you need to see a bunch of sword & sandal movies....

Charles said...

I first read that as "sword and scandal," which I like better.

Mmm. Scandal.

Alex Gildzen said...

Allan --

wd love to see the show but alas....