26 June 2012


I've written often abt Martha Radachy because she was such an important person in my life. but I was thinking today abt a high school teacher who matterd.  Jeri Lou Wagstaff taught English. I did write abt her in Postcard Memoirs in which I quoted something she wrote on one of my report cards: "He has talent in writing and should be able to make it his life work."

my life isn't quite over & I'm still writing Miss Wagstaff.

after graduation Roberta Elzey & Tom Queen & Martha Braun & Sally Hewitt & I got permission from Miss Wagstaff's roommate to surprise her.  Tom made a huge mural which we taped to the wall.  we wrote skits. & I took this photo of her as she unlcokd her door to find us:

it was publishd in the Plain Dealer & continues to bring back the best of high school memories.

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