17 April 2017

"Men in Love"

as antiquity laps at my toes I find change a daily occurrence. a new case of solar lentigo is visible. an attitude shift can arrive without trumpets.

one activity age seems to have discouraged is rereading. Ned Rorem told me he read Nightwood every 10 years. I never had that sort of romance. but I remember returning to favorite passages. now not so much.

however last nite something jumpd into my mind. it was a simple message: John Perreault's "Men in Love."

all the way back in the fall of 1974 I edited the Perreault issue of The Serif.  I askd John for some new poetry to include in the issue. he gave me a sequence of 26 sonnets. I was thrilld. 

one of the intentions of the author issues of that bibliographical journal was to spur academic attention on contemporary writers. I've been out of that scene for so long I don't know what has or hasn't been done. however I don't think Perreault -- who died less than 2 years ago -- is receiving the sort of review for which all writers aspire.

"Men in Love" is juicy. the poems poke & tickle. there are flares of language & flames of lust. I can't explain how the notion of them appeard last nite. but I quite adore the hour I've spent fondling them.

I wish some publisher wd reprint the sequence as a chapbook. I wish some grad student wd write a chapter in a dissertation on John Perreault abt "Men in Love." I wish that whatever will drop another title on me some nite soon.

I can't do anything abt liver spots. but I can still get frisky with a poem.

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