Aneka Brown
sunglasses & sandals:
Mr. Turk
The Shag House
I was first in touch with Jim some 20 years ago. I'd discoverd Karl Tierney online. Jim was his literary executor. we began writing to each other & he sent me the manuscript of Tierney's collectd poems which he'd editd. every poet deserves an executor like Jim who guided the book into print.
abt a year later I visitd Jim for a week in Philadelphia. that's when I discoverd just what a fabulous person he was. & our connections with such poets as James Broughton & Robert Peters.
Jim participated in my piece "Tie One On" (2010) & I blurbd his book No Brainer Variations (2011). we're both talking heads in the documentary "Big Joy."
he was my last out of town guest at my Santa Fe house. we talkd poetry & music & art. he had a special interest in Cleveland artists -- which always surprisd me.
our last texts were 2 months ago.